Facilities that are
large enough can save
money and reduce
regulatory scrutiny by
processing regulated
medical waste and
confidential documents
onsite. We work with a
vendor that provides
state of the art
equipment to allow
facilities to eliminate
the need to send these
two costly waste streams
offsite for disposal.
While the equipment
required to do this
requires significant
capital, the benefits
are significant and the
cost savings provides
the facility to get a
return on the capital in
approximately 5 years
while the equipment has
a life expectancy of 15
By processing these two
waste streams onsite,
the regulated medical
waste is transformed
into solid waste and the
confidential documents
are transformed into
paper for recycling
generating revenue. From
an environmental stand
point, this process also
results in reduced truck
traffic and improvement
of the facilities carbon
footprint. |
